One Place

Here is my first iambic sestina. The six words in each  stanza are place, space, face, night, light, and write.  Hope you enjoy! 🙂

“One Place”

 By: Fathima S.

Main Street has always been a busy place.

It’s called: rush hour from daylight to night.

The street is small; people shoving for space.

This though is not the tale I want to write.

The street is just a setting for each face.

`You’ll meet five, and you’ll meet each inner light.


Those five wait for the bus near the street light.

They blend in; none of them are out of place.

Now, relief is the mask shown on each face.

The bus, at last, shows up for the night.

A boring delay; not much news to write.

The bus is narrow, once again, no space.


Let us look for the five in this small space.

Seat #4, she carries something small and light.

Her pen moves poetically as she writes.

She smiles as she goes back to a place.

The place can bring laughs to her all night.

She is a diarist, this first known face.


Think of sound as we find the next face.

There he is, #10, his ears stuck in sound space.

He records sounds; he can do so all night.

I will quote him for you “sound equals light,”

What he observes brings him to a great place.

Note: He likes to record but hates to write.


Seat #3 , in front of the girl who does write.

Sits a quite old but warm and sincere face.

Her eyes closed, the scents take her to a place.

Her garden, plants in each small inch of space.

How all of her plants gleam in the sun’s light.

She is waiting to water them for the night.


Two pairs of eyes are searching to the night.

Two painters that paint but they cannot write.

I can’t see their seats due to the dim light.

But, I can see the paint streak on one’s face.

The other  has a brush next to her space.

Art carries both to their  own special place. 


The bus stops for the night.   You met each face.

The tale I wished to write.  Here in this space,

here in this light, they all walk to their place.

About quotepoet

I'm a writer.
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